Jones, raising serious doubts about his guilt.
It bears stressing that the behavior of everyone connected with an office charged with the dispensation of justice, from the presiding judge to the lowliest clerk, must always be beyond reproach and circumscribed with a high degree of responsibility.
Amid a chaotic manhunt for the two men described by witnesses, police received multiple calls from neighborhood residents about a man hiding underneath a pickup truck.
Tanto las autoridades militares y policialescomo el Gobierno y el Poder Judicial se negaban o eran incapaces de prevenir, investigar y sancionar los hechos y de auxiliar a quienes se interesaban en averiguar el paradero y la suerte de lasvíctimas o de sus restos.
Description: Honduras resumen Hechos probados Durante los años de 1981 a 1984, en la República de Honduras, entre 100 y 150 personas desaparecieron sin que se haya vuelto a tener noticia alguna de muchas de ellas.