While the Raiders made it to the playoffs in 2016, Carr was unable to play due to a leg injury suffered during a game on Christmas Eve, per.
Both the teams finished the 2021 regular season with a 10-7 record, and both will be looking to make history with a win on Saturday.
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Following their first encounter, the two then started dating and tied the knot shortly after.
Carr and Neel have been married since 2012.
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After getting married, Carr went on to have two of his best seasons, scoring 87 touchdown passes against 15 interceptions for the Bulldogs, leading them to a 20-6 record.
While it seems like it would be difficult to wrangle four young children to watch a football game, Heather Carr, who first met her husband while they were both students at Fresno State, makes it look easy..
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