New head of animation Jeffrey Katzenberg cut a whopping from the movie, including a now notorious scene in which the Horned King's undead army kill two henchmen in gruesome fashion — their skin is melted away, leaving only their skeletons behind.
Taking these two stories as one whole, we may get a picture of the two Afton sons and the murderous William Afton, who is represented by Chica.
Ross notices it and gets a map to El Porkado and goes on an adventure with his rubber duck to find something way better.
More importantly though, Square Enix finally announced Final Fantasy: Endwalker's.
She is immune to the Heater.
It actually pieces together really nicely and helps to connect the two games in a way that only could.
Description: Long cutscenes at cutscenes beginning and end of games are often to be expected, but it's rare to find so much time dedicated to cutscenes partway through the story.